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    Discovery Sport 結果共6筆

  • Actor Greg Hsu’s cameo in Jay Chou MV wows fans

    Taipei actor Greg Hsu’s appearance in a music video by Mandopop legend Jay Chou at the age of 13 has shocked fans online. In a throwback clip from Chou’s "Class 3-2" music video, a young Hsu can be seen playing table tennis while wearing black-rimmed glasses. Despite his rounder face, his distinctive features are already evident. The discovery of this footage has sparked surprise and admiration for Hsu’s transformation from a young table tennis player to a heartthrob. Now 32 years old, Hsu gained fame through his breakout role in the Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day" and has become immensely popular across Asia, particularly in China and South Korea. Hsu has revealed that he took up sports, including table tennis, to manage his childhood asthma. His talent in the sport earned him a spot on the elementary school team and eventually led to his cameo in Chou’s music video. "Someday or One Day," which co-stars Alice Ko, is considered a landmark Taiwanese television series and has garnered such acclaim that South Korea produced its own remake titled "A Time Called You."
    2023/12/18 21:18
  • 彭佳慧哼唱成名曲「微解封」 開Discovery Sport海邊湧起《舊夢》

    國內受到新冠疫情肆虐,從5月中展開為期2個月的全國三級警戒,一直到7月13日才進入「微解封」狀態。金曲歌后彭佳慧開著愛駒Land Rover Discovery Sport出門「微」兜風,「微」這個梗還剛好與她的經典金曲《舊夢》歌詞呼應。過往有不少女藝人都喜歡開大車展現反差美,像是阿妹曾開過Hummer、張本渝的愛駒是Mercedes-Benz的G-Class、許維恩則是Maserati的Levante。
    2021/07/14 19:05
  • 越野節能可否兼顧? Land Rover宣示全面汰除純內燃機動力

    最近,Jaguar Land Rover提出了品牌未來策略轉型計畫,其中Land Rover品牌將在未來5年推出多達6款電氣化作品,並且自2026年起全數使用含有電池模組,正式揮別純燃油時代。很明顯的是受到排放法規的壓力,再加上雙品牌集團於全球都進行重新整合、佈局,試圖重回盈利狀況良好的狀態。
    2021/03/15 00:00
  • Evoque、Discovery Sport配備加碼 Pivi Pro觸控超好滑

    全新21年式Range Rover Evoque與Discovery Sport於12/3展開接單,建議售價分別自新台幣220萬元起以及新台幣205萬元起。為強化Land Rover引以為傲的豪華舒適,全新21年式Range Rover Evoque與Discovery Sport全車系標配駕駛座記憶功能,並換上全新仕樣方向盤。而Range Rover Evoque更將雙區恆溫空調含第二排出風口與調整第二排溫度功能列為標配,讓車主感受到更加便利的用車體驗。
    2020/12/07 19:42
  • Discovery Sport全能休旅 輕油電上身

    Land Rover在去年5月發表小改款Discovery Sport,但這小改款的幅度完全超過大家預期,在外觀、底盤平台、引擎上都動了手腳,而在內裝上也重新設計了中控台,以科技數位配備一改過往傳統風格,甚至也導入了MHEV輕度複合動力系統,在目前純電動車還不能完全取代燃油車的過度狀況下,輕油電或許是不錯的選擇。
    2020/06/04 21:00
  • 平均油耗71km/l! JLR推3缸PHEV動力

    隨著各國排放標準逐步趨嚴,並且陸續訂立燃油汽車退場時程表,汽車電動化已經是必然趨勢。為此,Jaguar Land Rover於針對旗下兩款暢銷休旅──豪華跨界休旅Range Rover Evoque以及5+2座家庭休旅Land Rover Discovery Sport推出P300e動力選項,也就是以1.5升3缸汽油引擎為核心的Plug-in Hybrid (PHEV) 插電式油電複合動力,不僅可提供309匹馬力綜效輸出,零排放里程更可達66公里,平均油耗甚至可來到71km/L。
    2020/04/26 06:00
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